How To Avoid Addiction Triggers

Admitting the fact that you have an addiction and for this getting help is the first and most important step towards recovery. But, in this process there are many barriers that will come and you have to overcome them. Avoiding triggers is the toughest thing that you have to face for the rest of your life. So, it is most important to know about some triggers and understand them. Firstly, learn what the cause behind these triggers and then find the way to overcome them. Some addiction triggers are mentioned below.
1. Identify Your Personal Triggers :
First know the type of personal trigger you are facing in the recovery process. Knowing the type of trigger is the first step towards freedom. Generally, three types of triggers are there :
- Environmental
- Emotional
- Social
Environmental triggers are the type of triggers which come from places or any circumstances that bring back bad memories for you. Emotional triggers come from the emotional and mental concerns. Finally, Social triggers come from the people who push you back to your old habits.
For avoiding these types of triggers you should have to develop a support system who helps you to overcome this. The support system might be your friends, Family or any loved ones. This support team will help you to divert your mind from these types of triggers.
2. Avoid Stress Triggers :
Everyone faces stress in their daily life. It is difficult to get rid of all the stress on a regular basis. But, this trigger has become the most powerful reason for you to get the addiction habit again. However, you can find a way to overcome this stress. When a stress trigger makes you uncomfortable, then take a deep breath, close your eyes and count to 20. Else you can do something in which you enjoy like you can go for a swim, exercise, walk or listen to music.
3. Keep Yourself Busy:
Boredom is quietly dangerous. In this situation you have no work to do. You have to do lots of work but aren’t interested in doing anything like watching TV, or spending time with someone. Keeping yourself busy makes you focused. You can do several tasks like : Make a to-do list for a week in advance. Whenever you get time just follow the to-do list and do that task. When you are getting bored, go outside and walk for some time or you can hangout with your friends also. You can also join a workshop according to your interest.
4. Make a group with the right people :
As we have discussed earlier, surrounding yourself with the right people is the first step towards your freedom. It might happen that the person with whom you are spending your whole day is the reason for your trigger. So just leave that person or remove that person from your life. For example, like some family member or friend who always forces you to hang out in bars then you should have to end up with that person. Making new relationships and removing all the toxic people from your life is the betterment for your future.
5. Keep Learning :
The best practice to overcome these triggers is to keep learning. Keep yourself busy to gain new skills. You can improve your communication skills by talking with any family member. Learn the reason why you are going through this phase and start working on it. Find new opportunities to make yourself better. Learn a new hobby, find a new career pathway etc. whatever you want to do just do it for yourself only.
Triggers always come in your recovery path but you have to deal with this obstacle on your own and rebuild yourself. Just follow these suggestions and you will surely get a path for your recovery process.