5 Tips To Quit Alcohol

How to quit alcohol ? This is the most popular question among those people who want to quit alcohol. There are many ways to quit alcohol but before attempting these ways you should make your mind about this. Prayas will help you to quit alcohol in a easiest way. The top 5 tips or way to quit alcohol are :
1. Start with a strategy :
Before beginning your journey (quitting alcohol), you should have to research on the strategy that you will follow to stop drinking alcohol. Prepare a chart for this and note all the answers on it. Think –
- Who will you call when you need support ?
- How will you cope with the feeling of drinking ?
Promise yourself not to attend any party in which you will have a chance to put yourself again in this mess. These plans will help you to achieve your goal.
2. Make a support team :
You can quit alcohol when you get support from your friends, family or colleagues. It becomes easy when they help you to fulfill your commitment. If someone pushes you to drink alcohol, immediately you should leave the company of that kind of person. Tell this commitment to your loved ones and make a support team. You can also find a recovery coach who can help you to overcome this problem.
3. Consult your doctor :
Sometimes quitting alcohol becomes dangerous. This may even become fatal. But the right doctor’s advice will help you to tackle this problem safely. At least you should take medical counseling on the monthly basis that will help you to get the right directions.
4. Find new activities to replace alcohol :
The best way to overcome any bad habit is to add some new activities to your daily life. Take yourself busy all the time and this will definitely help you to get rid of alcohol. Spend your time on social media. You can hang out with your friends or you can play games with your family members or you can listen to music or play any outdoor games. You can add some productive work as well to your daily routine. In short you have to make yourself busy all the time.
5. Consider Medication as an option :
This method is not widely known but this can be an effective way to quit alcohol. Before taking any medicine you should consult a good doctor. However, some most popular medications approved by the FDA are : Disulfiram, Acamprosate and Naltrexone.